Project Ditto was a client project for Google Stadia oriented around exploring the use of Stadia's upcoming State Share feature.

Project Information
My Role: Producer and Game Designer
Platform: PC
Client: Google Stadia
Project Duration: 4 months, 2020
Development Website: link
Team: Wenyu Mao (Game Designer and Gameplay Programmer), Jue Wang (Game Designer and UI/UX ), Liangzheng Luo (Game Designer and 3D Artist), and Tracy Chen (Tech Artist).
What is Project Ditto?
Project Ditto was a client project for Google Stadia at the Entertainment Technology Center, which was oriented around exploring the use of Stadia's upcoming State Share feature.

A visualization of how State Share works
State Share is an upcoming feature for the Stadia platform that allows players to dynamically share their game states with others, allowing friends or strangers to jump into their specific save of the game at the click of a link.

In the second half of the semester, we transformed our State Share prototype oriented around a multiplayer game where players take on the role of white blood cells fighting viruses into an actual game pitch to Stadia itself.
By the end of the semester, we had not only created a polished pitch deck for our proposed game Immunoo, but also had created a vertical slice of the game to demonstrate the overall art style and various gameplay features.
While State Share itself is a publicly announced feature, there are aspects of this project that are still under NDA.