Assemblé was a VR experience created for the course Building Virtual Worlds at Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center

My Role: Experience Designer and Producer
Platform: Oculus Rift
Project Duration: 2 weeks, 2018
Team: Joey Yeo (Gameplay Programmer), Tom Du (Effects Programmer), Kristy Tsai (Environment Artist), Jinyi Ye (Character Artist)
Special thanks to our voice actresses, Mollie Braley and Emily Viterise.
Assemblé was originally designed for Round 4 of Building a Virtual World, a course offered during the introductory semester of the Masters of Entertainment Technology program in Carnegie Mellon's Entertainment Technology Center. For Round 4, our team was tasked with creating a 3-5 minute interactive story that a guest could experience and play through.
My team and I developed the game over the course of two weeks, focusing initially on the experience of unpacking your stuff in a new city while feeling nostalgic about home. We eventually narrowed in on a story about an aspiring ballerina and her relationship with her mom that's communicated solely through the objects she takes out of one of her moving boxes.
You can read a little bit more about the project on the ETC website.
As the Experience Designer on the team, I wore multiple hats over the course of development. I was responsible for the overall sound design of the piece, as well as both the narrative and interactions that went into the experience.
For the sound design, I either created or edited all of the sounds within the experience. This ranged from the sound effects heard throughout the experience, as well as the background music (arranged a cover of "Broken Moon" from the Touhou Project for music box and piano).
Additionally, as I was in charge of recording the dialogue for the experience, I was also tasked with writing the narrative/script for our experience, which I did in collaboration with our two principal voice actresses.
My duties as Producer for Assemblé lay primarily in the logistical realm, arranging team and Scrum stand-up meetings and making sure that the internal deadlines that we had set for certain assets and set-pieces to be completed were done.
Courtesy of Tom Du